It's here! I'm pretty sure this may be the planner of my dreams. Yes, I'm old school and love a paper calendar that I can write on. My husband often reminds me of all the calendar tricks that my iPhone can do. Not interested. I love paper. I love writing on it, crossing off lists, looking at an entire month- everything that comes with a traditional calendar. I've been looking for new one and came across a sponsored ad on Facebook the first part of December. I did what any rational girl would do and quickly sent a screen shot of it to my husband and said "this would be great for Christmas ;)". He followed through like the rockstar he can be and it arrived a few days after Christmas. Eeeekkkk!
It is the Mormon Mom Planner (no - you don't have to be Mormon to use it) from
In The Leafy Tree Tops . They have an incredible amount of covers to choose from and also a wide variety of planning items. I'm in love. Here's a few of my fav things about this planner!
I chose this cover and saying because I absolutely love the "Mothers Who Know" talk by Julie B. Beck. Mother Who Know Talk |
Every month tab has a cute print and inspirational saying.
Monthly Overview With List Space on the Left |
Start Each Month Off By Writing Down Goals On Strengthening All Your Relationships |
Weekly Planning With Tons of Space for Making Lists

At The End of Each Month, There is a Place for Your Budget and Ways to Serve

Family Home Evening Planner for the Month. Yikes- I Really Need This!

Sunday! What a great way to take notes during talks, lessons and a place for me to actually plan my lesson. Maybe now I won't wait until the morning of. Shhhhhh...... ;)
The rest of this blog is filled with pics of some of my fav pages! There are planning sheets to get out of debt, plan Thanksgiving and Christmas, ways to keep track of kids and their needs, who to send thank you notes to, emergency preparedness planning, vacation planning, cleaning and organizing and more. And to end the amazing planner that it is- it has a two sided pocket and clear pouch to hold anything you need to keep track of.
Head on over to their site and check out more pics and reviews!
Now- there is nothing more I want to do on this freezing first day of the new year than curl up on my couch with my pens and pencils and start filling this in!
Happy New Year!

