It's Getting Spooky

With just over two weeks until Halloween we finally put some decorations out. I love Halloween but I'm not a huge decorator for the holiday. Possibly because at this time of the season, I'm just itching to put my first Christmas tree up Nov. 1st. Yup! I'm one of those people. 

So over the last few years I've picked up some Halloween decor and every year it finds a different spot to call home. That's always fun because it changes it up without always looking the same, and my girls are at the ages where they want to decorate as well. 

My fav decoration this year by far is the chalkboard sign. Avery is in 3rd grade and learning how to do cursive. She sure loves to doodle and write everything "fancy" these days, so I loved watching her create this cute sign. Complete with webs, spiders and eyeballs! 

You can't decorate without having a spooky treat, and Sophie loved arranging the premade Nestle cookie dough on the cookie sheet and her and Avery put them in the oven. Warm, freshly baked cookies were the perfect way to enjoy the day after everything was decorated and put away.


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