My hubby and I made a quick trip to Boston for a couple meetings I had there and in New Haven, Connecticut. It was the first time there for both of us and while we didn’t have a lot of time, we wanted to maximize all that we had. We went mid-August and it happened to be right in the middle of their heat wave. Now coming from Utah I am used to temps over 100 but was not ready for that humidity. Yikes! It was terrible but we were too excited to be there and pushed through to see some must see sites. Here’s our weekend in a nutshell!
Yankees at the Red Sox
We are a football family but you cannot go to Boston during baseball season and not take in a game at Fenway Park. We loved it! Lobster rolls, Crackerjacks and an entire stadium singing Sweet Caroline. It was a perfect baseball night!

We hit a few historical sites there as well!

North Church

North Church

Paul Revere


Fresh Lobster at Faneuil Hall (my husband was in heaven!)
If you are looking for amazing and authentic Italian food- make sure you go to Pagliuca’s. This was recommended by a local and I would literally move to Boston just to eat here everyday. It is a small family owned and operated place- we were delighted to learn the adorable elderly gentleman reading his newspaper at the table next to us was the owner and his family cooks and serves! I still dream of this place and cannot wait to go back!

This Spaghetti Sauce- I could have drank it!

After a day and a half of meetings and exploring Boston, we stayed the night in Concord, visiting there and in Lexington. Highlights for me was putting my toes in Walden Pong, seeing everything I could about Thoreau and visiting Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and Author’s Ridge up there. That city is incredible and beautiful and had it not been for the crazy heat, we would have spent more time there. A few of our favs spots:

Me- Standing in Walden Pond- EEEEKKK!!

Replica of the cabin Thoreau built at Walden Pond

Walden Pond- there is actually beach and picnic areas
and you can swim there.

North Bridge
Battle of Lexington and Concord

Authors Ridge

Sleepyhollow Cematery

Home of Ralph Waldo Emerson
There is so much history, great places to eat, and fun things to do in Boston. We really only had about a day and a half there but are pretty excited for what we were able to sneak in. We will be back there this year and keeping fingers crossed it’s not a major heat wave again so we can enjoy a lot more! Go to Boston- you’ll love it!