2016- The Best Is Yet to Come

As this year comes to an end, I feel like it has been an incredible year filled with love, joy, excitement, fear, anxiety and uncertainty. I have been through every emotion possible. I've learned that friends are not always who or what they seem. I've realized that for some, communication only happens when initiated by me. Apparently the phone does not work both ways. I dived deeper in the community of rare disease and I can honestly say that I'm not sure I love it. The people are amazing, the stories moving and the desire to do good is there. But like any other arena, politics are played, feelings are hurt and progression can be slow. I've felt like throwing the towel in more than a time or two. I won't. There is still too much to be done and I've learned to guard my tongue and my feelings and always keep the bigger picture in mind. There really is so much work to be done and I have a notebook full of tasks to accomplish. My son needs help. His community needs help. I will keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter how emotionally and physically exhausted I am. 

We are coming up on decisions to be made regarding Ethan's treatment. I wish there was a clear cut answer and I could predict the future. For now, I am learning all I can, gathering as much information as I can find and then will make a decision. It may take a month or a year. The time will come when we feel at peace with our decision. One more roller coaster of emotions to hang on to. 

I am trying hard to not focus on what has happened this year. It is over, it is done. I'm excited for the new year and for somehow the thought that January 1st really does make a change. I have cried, laughed and worried in 2015. I'm heading into 2016 truly knowing that the best is yet to come. 


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